Support the Parade
“People tend to think this is a one day event that comes and goes effortlessly. What they don’t realize is how hard our volunteers work on a year round basis to help it run smoothly.”
Parade Sponsorships/Donations
The goal of the Parade Committee is to raise $100,000 this year. Donations are accepted year round.
This is a terrific opportunity to show your community support and pride by being part of the parade. We are currently looking for sponsorships to help make this years parade a big success.
We wish to extend our appreciation in advance for your consideration and commitment to this year’s Pittsfield 4th of July Parade.
The goal of the Parade Committee is to raise $100,000 this year. Donations are accepted year round.
This is a terrific opportunity to show your community support and pride by being part of the parade. We are currently looking for sponsorships to help make this years parade a big success.
We wish to extend our appreciation in advance for your consideration and commitment to this year’s Pittsfield 4th of July Parade.
For sponsorships over $5000, we will make a special trip to meet and pick up.
Or, mail in your Donations to:
Pittsfield Parade Committee Inc.
PO Box 1738
Pittsfield, MA. 01202
Sponsorship Levels
Company recognition as Presenting Sponsor during parade event
Full page ad in parade program book (7.28”W x 9.2”H)
Name and logo listed on parade website
Company name on parade sponsorship banner
2’ x 8’ Presenting Sponsorship Banner will lead the parade
Mentions on parade social media
Recognition in post-parade newspaper advertising
Name displayed on reviewing stand
Mention in Radio Interview as Presenting Sponsor
Company recognition during parade event
Full page ad in parade program book (7.28”W x 9.2”H)
Name and logo listed on parade website
Company name on parade sponsorship banner
2’ x 8’ Sponsorship Banner will precede a musical unit or balloon in the parade
Mentions on parade social media
Recognition in post-parade newspaper advertising
Name displayed on reviewing stand
Company recognition during parade event
Full page ad in parade program book (7.28”W x 9.2”H)
Name and logo listed on parade website
Company name on parade sponsorship banner
2’ x 8’ Sponsorship Banner will precede a musical unit or balloon in the parade
Mentions on parade social media
Recognition in post-parade newspaper advertising
Name displayed on reviewing stand
Company recognition during parade event
Full page ad in parade program book (7.28”W x 9.2”H)
Name and logo listed on parade website
Company name on parade sponsorship banner
2’ x 8’ Sponsorship Banner will precede a musical unit or balloon in the parade
Mentions on parade social media
Name displayed on reviewing stand
Company recognition during parade event
Full page ad in parade program book (7.28”W x 9.2”H)
Name listed on parade website
Company name on parade sponsorship banner
2’ x 8’ Sponsorship Banner will precede a musical unit or balloon in the parade
Name displayed on reviewing stand
Company recognition during parade event
Half page ad in the parade program book (Vertical 3.56”W x 9.2”H, Horizontal 7.28”W x 4.5”H)
Name listed on parade website
Company recognition during parade event
Quarter page ad in parade program book (3.56”W x 4.5”H)
Name listed on parade website
Business Card size ad in parade program book (3.56W x 2.175”H)
Name listed on website
Sponsor Benefits
Local cable telecast of parade to thousands of households in Pittsfield!
Parade attendance of more than 50,000.
World Wide Web Site exposure with a link to your site (if available).
Local and Regional press coverage.
Great Benefits!
Thousands of consumer impressions via:
Event hospitality package.
Event signage.
Business name or logo in print ads and materials.
Other event “tie-ins.”
Showcase your favorite charitable organization.
Sponsorship can be tax deductible.
Community Involvement!
Community outreach for your company.
Employee team building as float riders or balloon handlers.
We are proud to provide you a way to show your support for the Pittsfield 4th of July Parade all year long. Each year, we release a newly designed poster reflecting the parade.
All previous year poster’s are available for just $10.00 each. For the current year poster, make a donation for $25 or more and a coupon for a free poster will be mailed to you!
Posters are 18 x 24 and suitable for framing.